Kick Start your Church© is exclusively a Faith Dialogue ministry to encourage, equip and energize the local church.
The Barna group estimates that the average Protestant church in America has less than 100 adults in attendance. These churches often need advice and counsel in order to help fulfill their role in the Body of Christ. The Great Commission of making disciples of Jesus Christ is not just about reaching new people groups internationally or something that growing and sprawling mega churches do, it’s the basic and the essential mission of every local church.
Faith Dialogue can help any church implement a unique action plan that is designed for the specific church as a result of the initial assessment as well as the collaborative efforts with the pastor and leaders of the local church.
Our KickStart Your Church© ministry is a template that is based on our mission of proclaiming the Essential Gospel as well as implementing the Five Truths that have been proven to be the necessary elements in equipping the local church. The basis of these truths are found in the Bible and also contemporary research conducted by firms such as LifeWay Research, Auxano, Leadership Network and Faith Dialogue.
The Action plan is designed to provide a road map for the local church for a period of twelve months. The Five Truths become the foundation for the future development of goals and objectives, measurables, metrics and stewardship. Call us today at 407-270-3108 for more information or email us at [email protected]
We would be honored with your financial gift as the majority of the cost of the KickStart is funded by our supporters and not the local churches.