Coming Soon!
THEOS Family Entertainment
a ministry of Faith Dialogue
100% Cloud Based
Ministries can reach audiences anywhere, technology independent
100% Christian Featured Content
Worlds first provider of 100% Featured Christian Content
100% Global
US, Canada, Mexico, South America, Africa, Europe, Iran, Afghanistan, Iraq, Egypt, China,
India, Kyrgyzstan, Korea, Indonesia, Australia, New Guinea, Cambodia, Vietnam, Kuwait
It's time to Cut the Cable! Drop the Dish!
Our ministry plan is Biblical, intentional and simple. The technology that we use, provides 100% cloud based television programs including not only the best Christian programs available but also all of the major networks: ABC, CBS, NBC, Fox and more! In addition, like more expensive cable networks, THEOS Family Entertainment will provide more than 70 channels including all the favorites from CNN, ESPN and FoxNews to Travel, TNT and Disney. A monthly membership fee is designed to be about 1/2 of the similar cost of cable. There is no annual contract required. These fees are used to provide the technology that is then utilized by primarily US based ministries to bring the gospel to the nations. We believe in cooperation, not competition. Ministries will cooperatively provide native language programs via the THEOS Family Entertianment technology and together we reach the world with the Gospel!
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