Intro: “Thy Kingdom Come”

For over 30 years, I have been fascinated by and have studied Bible prophecy. One of the best lessons that I was taught years ago is to stick with what the Bible has to say, or at least what people say the Bible has to say. If you follow that advice, like me, you’ll stay away from non-Bible sources, including Nostradamus, the ancient Aztecs, Zoroastrian teachings, or even Tarot cards, astrology, and online psychics.

The Bible has a 3,500-year history of faithfully predicting future events. This is called Bible prophecy, and more than 25% of the Bible is actually prophetic.

There are too many churches and clergy who stay away from Bible prophecy. Perhaps they find it too unsettling or too sensational. Many may not have tried to apply what they know about the accepted rules of Bible interpretation. If you call yourself Catholic or Christian, there are actually three principles of Bible prophecy that I follow that align perfectly with the way we interpret the rest of the Scriptures. I may not always mention them, but I will always maintain them.

Three Principles Regarding Bible Prophecy:

1) Thy Kingdom Come: These three words are from the “Our Father” and they remind us that the prophecy of the coming kingdom and the second coming of Jesus are integral parts of the prayer that Jesus taught us to pray! Every time we pray this prayer, also called the “Lord’s Prayer,” these words of Jesus, "Thy Kingdom Come, Thy Will Be Done," tell us that there is a kingdom that is coming, and it is something that we should pray for daily.

2) Prophecy is profitable: The Bible tells us that “all scripture is inspired by God and is useful for teaching, for refutation, for correction, and for training in righteousness” (2 Timothy 3:16).  We need to be reading prophecy in order to be complete and to be ready. As prophecy comprises so much of the Bible—nearly one out of every three to four verses—if we ignore prophecy or avoid it, we miss a huge part of the words in the Bible that were given for our benefit.

3) The Second Coming of Jesus is the "Blessed Hope." The Apostle Paul spoke often of the second coming of Jesus and called it the "blessed hope." He encouraged the church by saying “as we await the blessed hope, the appearance of the glory of the great God and of our savior Jesus Christ” (Titus 2:13). We’ll talk a little more about this "blessed hope" and His "glorious appearing" a little later in this book, and we’ll find that it is something we embrace, not something to be feared.

So, as we study prophecy through the chapters of this book, we’ll always remember these three bedrock principles. You will hear me mention them again.

As I mentioned earlier, the title of this book is "A Coming Apocalypse: The Catholic Bible Has The Answer,"  that intentionally uses a misunderstood word, the word "apocalypse." The Apocalypse is really not an event; it is the ancient title of the last book of the Catholic Bible. As you progress through the pages of this book, you’ll discover that the terms "last days," "second coming," and "end of days" are terms that are used to refer to events immediately preceding and following what are more appropriately called the tribulation, also known as the seven-year tribulation or sometimes the Great Tribulation. 

(The above is from the introduction to the new book ""A Coming Apocalypse: The Catholic Bible Has The Answer" 

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