Prayer is an important part of Biblical Marriage Counseling
You may have arrived at this page because of an interest in finding a marriage counselor. Perhaps your marriage needs some help and in that case, I'd be happy to at least share the distinctive between what we call "Pastoral Counseling" and Licensed Marriage and Family Therapists.
Licensed Clinical Counselors such as Clinical Psychologists, Psychiatrists, Social Workers, and Marriage and Family Therapists are licensed and regulated by various governmental boards and professional associations. Pastoral Counselors such as Pastors, Ministerial Counselors, Chaplains and Church Counselors are credentialed and regulated by various ecclesiastical governing structures.
Licensed Clinical Counselors rely on their extensive training in the behavioral sciences. That background must be their primary determinate of the perspective and advice given. In contrast, a pastor, chaplain or minister may utilize various behavioral science theories and methodologies. However, these typically members of the clergy can be expected to counsel and advise from the perspective of the Biblically or otherwise religiously held beliefs.
The best place to find a pastor or minister that can assist a couple in seeking to rebuild, restore, or strengthen their marriage is the local church. If that isn't practical we may be able to help.
As an ordained and active pastor, my pastoral counseling including providing counsel to married couples is Biblically based. I've also been married for 40 years to the same woman so I have lots of experience I can share. If you are a believer and willing to possibly let God help you in your marriage, I'm sure I can be of assistance.
Here's something that you may find interesting. It's part a four-part series on marriage from a church where I used to pastor a few years ago. It's the perspective I use as well. Here's the link, it runs about 25 minutes
If you are interested in talking with me and are willing to allow God to assist in the processing of restoration, feel free to connect with me at [email protected]
If you are looking for a licensed, accredited and skilled marriage counselor, you may want to visit www. where you can also search for various types of counselors and various locations.
Blessings to you!
Pastor Ken
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